Neighborhood Ambassador

Baltimore Neighborhoods

Neighborhood Ambassador

Neighbors listen when a trusted community voice or organization raises an issue or concern. Individuals and groups with strong platforms will be critical to improving our Census response rate. One of the main goals of the 2020 Census is to maximize the number of people who “self-respond” or complete their household’s census form without requiring costly follow-up from a Census Bureau enumerator. Please sign up as an individual or an organization to officially partner with the Baltimore Complete Count Campaign! Use this form to join an Ambassador training or request training for your group/organization.

Trained Ambassadors receive a Census kit of materials and Census giveaways when available

Trained Ambassadors or Ambassador Organizations commit to:

  • sharing information with neighbors/members in 3 different ways (online, newsletter, during an event, etc.) before April 1, 2020, and
  • participate in a picture promoting the Census 2020 #BmoreCounts movement.

Social Media handles (i.e. @BaltimoreAmbassador):